Sora - a female name from South Sudan, meaning revolution.
SORA - a revolution in global awareness. A revolution of knowledge

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Many Sudanese people have fled their homeland to join the growing number of Sudanese people living in other countries.

Through the hard work of humanitarian organisations, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Red Cross and the various host states of Sudanese refugees including Australia, Canada and Germany, the resettlement of Sudanese people in safe third countries has been made possible. The needs of the Sudanese community when they arrive and settle in these nations is the focus of research presented on this page.


Sudanese refugees in Egypt (webpage)
This selection of articles describes the experiences of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, where they make up the majority of the refugee population. The articles outline where the refugees live, the role of the churches in resettlement and the media outcry that has resulted from the presence of the refugees, especially in Cairo.

affiliated with the Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning Program, Australia
associated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Peace Education Program, Kenya & Uganda
sole distributor outside of Africa of the Sudan Mirror Newspaper, Sudan
partnered with the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP)