Sora - a female name from South Sudan, meaning revolution.
SORA - a revolution in global awareness. A revolution of knowledge

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The following websites have been thoroughly reviewed by the editors and managers of SORA. They provide basic information about Sudan as a nation state. Many sites also provide a simple explanation of the situation in Sudan at present.


Red Cross / Crescent Sudan response (website)
African Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania Sudan page (website)
Africa Database Sudan information <a href="">(website)</a>
European Country of Origin Information Network (website)
US Library of Congress Country Studies (website) - introduction to Sudan (webpage)
Information on Sudan from the Sudanese Embassy of South Africa (website)
Introduction to Sudan and to the experience of those who leave it (website)
Customary Law in Contemporary Southern Sudan (website)
Basic introduction to the Sudanese civil war and slavery in Sudan (webpage)
Geography of Sudan (website)
Ethnolinguistic map of Sudan (website)
Oil and Human Rights Maps (website)
Satellite Images of Sudan (webpage)
Reuters - Profile of Sudan (webpage)
CIA World Fact Book on Sudan (webpage)
Offline Resources
Historical flags of Sudan (website)
BBC World Service Profile of Sudan (webpage)
Basic country information and statistics (website)
Travel Guide to Sudan (website)
The Norwegian council for Africa website - Sudan (website) - Introduction to Sudan (website)
Sudani (website)
Whats happening in Sudan? (Go directly to affiliates webpage)
Images of Sudanese Currency (website)
Country Report - Sudan: History and indicators (website)
SBS World Guide - Sudan (website)
About Sudan (website)
South Sudan Online: Airstrip and Village Maps (website)

affiliated with the Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning Program, Australia
associated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Peace Education Program, Kenya & Uganda
sole distributor outside of Africa of the Sudan Mirror Newspaper, Sudan
partnered with the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP)