Sora - a female name from South Sudan, meaning revolution.
SORA - a revolution in global awareness. A revolution of knowledge

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Images of Sudan are hard to find on the internet and elsewhere. This page hosts numerous links to sites that provide images of Sudan and the Sudanese resettlement experience. SORA encourages the exploration of these sites as a simple introduction to the circumstances from which people in the Diaspora depart.

Please be respectful of the intellectual property in these images and ask permission from the author of these sites before use of the images is made elsewhere.


Steve Dennis, photo diary from Pieri, South Sudan (website)

From September 2003 until September 2004, Steve Dennis was stationed in Pieri, South Sudan on mission for the international medical organisation, Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF). The 45 amateur images depict the people of the town as well as the living and working conditions for international staff based there.

This website also hosts 29 diary entries from Dennis' time in South Sudan.

affiliated with the Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning Program, Australia
associated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Peace Education Program, Kenya & Uganda
sole distributor outside of Africa of the Sudan Mirror Newspaper, Sudan
partnered with the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP)