Sora - a female name from South Sudan, meaning revolution.
SORA - a revolution in global awareness. A revolution of knowledge

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Like all histories, the history of Sudan is controversial and unsettled. Sudan has undergone multiple colonisations from the Turks, the Egyptians and the British and more recently many coups d'etat. This page provides a forum to share research about the history that has led to the formation and growth of the Sudanese Diaspora.


Short history of Sudan from Wikipedia online encyclopedia (webpage)
The Wikipedia free encyclopedia provides a concise summary of the history of Sudan from the 7th century until the present day. The page is regularly updated and features a section on the 2003–4 crisis in Darfur. The page is broken into time periods: Early history, Mahdism and Condominium, Independence, Civil strife and a section on Darfur. This page provides an excellent starting point for attaining an overview of Sudanese history and politics.

affiliated with the Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning Program, Australia
associated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Peace Education Program, Kenya & Uganda
sole distributor outside of Africa of the Sudan Mirror Newspaper, Sudan
partnered with the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP)