Sora - a female name from South Sudan, meaning revolution.
SORA - a revolution in global awareness. A revolution of knowledge

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country | history | people & languages | diaspora | photolink | statistics | politics | news | camps | darfur | peace building

The following websites have been thoroughly reviewed by the editors and managers of SORA. They provide basic information about Sudan as a nation state. Many sites also provide a simple explanation of the situation in Sudan at present.


African Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania Sudan page (website)
The African Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania provides a webpage on
Sudan with links to a country map, consular information sheet provided by the U.S
State Department, the Sudanese Embassy in the U.S and the Sudan entry in the World
Factbook provided by the CIA. Furthermore it has links to other online resources
with information ranging from languages of Sudan, information on government and
politics, human rights causes to universities and institutions in Sudan.

affiliated with the Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning Program, Australia
associated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Peace Education Program, Kenya & Uganda
sole distributor outside of Africa of the Sudan Mirror Newspaper, Sudan
partnered with the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP)